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About Me

Oh ya know. I'm just your average, almost 33 year old married, teacher, parent.

Some fast facts about me:
My name is Elisa Marie- my first name is from my maternal grandfather, Elias Pettikas.
Grew up with an older brother, a mother and a father.
Though I was born in southern California, I grew up west of Phoenix.
My mom was in education and my dad was a minister.
My mother passed away in 2015.
I met my husband, Elias Hernandez, through the church youth group.
We were friends before we dated. 
We got married March 9, 2014.
Yes, our names our similar. We know. We hear it all the time. Move on. 
I graduated with my degree in secondary education from Grand Canyon University in 2013.
I've been working as a high school English teacher since 2013. 
Elias works as an IT guy and also is the Music Minister at our church. 
We've lived in the West Valley of Phoenix for our entire marriage, and currently live in Goodyear.
March 7, 2017 our little Leandro Benjamin was born. 
November 12, 2020 our little Uriah Finn was born.
We honestly don't have anything we "do" as a family. We like to watch "The Office" on repeat, and occasionally take a trip to Disneyland when we have money. 
I'm mostly a friendly person and will pretty much talk to anyone about anything, any time. 

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