“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”- 2 Timothy 1:7
This verse, brings a tear to my eye as I think about it.
2 years ago during the summer I took a trip down to a little town called Ajo.
Garlic Town.
My job: to build a childrens program at the baptist church and bring more kids in. Uh, sort of. So I down one week before the summer, just to see everything, check out the kids, yadda yadda. As I walked into church, I saw, well....
I see dead people....
It's easy to say that I was the youngest person there. It's easy to say my 40 year old roommate was the second youngest person there. The thrid youngest person there had been going to that church for oh, about 40 years.
I'm a little exaggerating. But I mean a VERY little.
There were no kids. I don't know why I would think there would be more kids. How can work on childrens ministry that doesn't exist?! Any takers?! No? I sat down as the preacher started preaching thinking to myself "How can I get out of this? What will I tell the pastor? What if I don't bring in any kids?"
And "Do I remember anything I learned in my CPR class? Ya know, just in case."
I was DONE. So, the preacher then said this verse. He had me at the word "timidity." Not that I've ever been "shy" or an "intorvert," very opposite in fact. I've just always been a "sheep." I do as I'm told, and it gets done. When something is too hard, I leave it up to the people that are good with being aggresive.
Here's my take away: Power doesn't mean being blunt, and outspoken and having a game plan. It means, something inside of you is bigger than you. It means you CAN accomplish anything.
Yes you can! Gross, I can't believe I just said that.
Power means, God through you makes impossible things.....happen. Power comes through faith.
Love doesn't mean love those in your comfort zone. Love means reaching out to those who NEED a church. Not just reaching out to them so you get numbers in your church, but that they KNOW someone loves them and cares for them.
Self-discipline doesn't mean shutting yourself off from the world and being sheltered. It means being and example to the world by showing them that you put God first.
Power. Love. Self-dicispline. Three things this world lacks. Three things I aspire to.
Now, on to my random thought: I see people "tell it like it is." Which is great, awesome, do what you want. However, there are PLENTY of people who tell it like it is. There are not enough people who tell it like it should be, and then live it. Like I said before, I've never been a super blunt person. I know when things will get me into trouble, so it's just and obvious reflex not to say it. However, I do know that I also don't tell it like it should be, and then live that. People are always "just sayin" about so many things. Well great, so what are you gunna do about it?!
Disclaimer, I am guilty of this so don't think I'm throwing stones...or whatever that analogy is.
It's funny because the main place I see this is in the church. Gossip, and words are contagious. And could kill a church. Words are constantly thrown around saying "well if I was in charge," or "if I had it my way..." Here's what I have to say to that "GET OVER IT!"
That's about as blunt as I get.
Bottom line I re-interate: There are PLENTY of people who tell it like it is. There are not enough people who tell it like it should be, and then live it.
This verse, brings a tear to my eye as I think about it.
2 years ago during the summer I took a trip down to a little town called Ajo.
Garlic Town.
My job: to build a childrens program at the baptist church and bring more kids in. Uh, sort of. So I down one week before the summer, just to see everything, check out the kids, yadda yadda. As I walked into church, I saw, well....
I see dead people....
It's easy to say that I was the youngest person there. It's easy to say my 40 year old roommate was the second youngest person there. The thrid youngest person there had been going to that church for oh, about 40 years.
I'm a little exaggerating. But I mean a VERY little.
There were no kids. I don't know why I would think there would be more kids. How can work on childrens ministry that doesn't exist?! Any takers?! No? I sat down as the preacher started preaching thinking to myself "How can I get out of this? What will I tell the pastor? What if I don't bring in any kids?"
And "Do I remember anything I learned in my CPR class? Ya know, just in case."
I was DONE. So, the preacher then said this verse. He had me at the word "timidity." Not that I've ever been "shy" or an "intorvert," very opposite in fact. I've just always been a "sheep." I do as I'm told, and it gets done. When something is too hard, I leave it up to the people that are good with being aggresive.
Here's my take away: Power doesn't mean being blunt, and outspoken and having a game plan. It means, something inside of you is bigger than you. It means you CAN accomplish anything.
Yes you can! Gross, I can't believe I just said that.
Power means, God through you makes impossible things.....happen. Power comes through faith.
Love doesn't mean love those in your comfort zone. Love means reaching out to those who NEED a church. Not just reaching out to them so you get numbers in your church, but that they KNOW someone loves them and cares for them.
Self-discipline doesn't mean shutting yourself off from the world and being sheltered. It means being and example to the world by showing them that you put God first.
Power. Love. Self-dicispline. Three things this world lacks. Three things I aspire to.
Now, on to my random thought: I see people "tell it like it is." Which is great, awesome, do what you want. However, there are PLENTY of people who tell it like it is. There are not enough people who tell it like it should be, and then live it. Like I said before, I've never been a super blunt person. I know when things will get me into trouble, so it's just and obvious reflex not to say it. However, I do know that I also don't tell it like it should be, and then live that. People are always "just sayin" about so many things. Well great, so what are you gunna do about it?!
Disclaimer, I am guilty of this so don't think I'm throwing stones...or whatever that analogy is.
It's funny because the main place I see this is in the church. Gossip, and words are contagious. And could kill a church. Words are constantly thrown around saying "well if I was in charge," or "if I had it my way..." Here's what I have to say to that "GET OVER IT!"
That's about as blunt as I get.
Bottom line I re-interate: There are PLENTY of people who tell it like it is. There are not enough people who tell it like it should be, and then live it.