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The one where we Bust a Move.

The infamous song by Young MC, Bust A Move, is playing on my pandora right now.

I'm reading a new Donald Miller book called Through The Painted Desert. I haven't gotten to far in it yet, but he brings up a good point. He says "Everyone needs change, or they expire." That got me thinking about my leaving home and going to GCU. I haven't really wanted to make it a big deal. But heres the thing, I've been living in the same house since I was 7. The longest I've been away from my family is 3 weeks. Yes, I AM going home on the weekends, which is probably why I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it, but it is.

Am I scared?
Is change too much for me?
Is it really that big of deal?


I don't really want to make a big deal out of this. But it kinda is. I mean, I quit my job that I LOVED. I'm living with someone who isn't my family. I'm having my OWN place. I have new responsiblities. Trying new thing I've never done before.
Bust a move!
The only thing that is really keeping my head on straight is the fact that I know I have Someone that has it all under control. I think that's why God allows change, for our faith to be put into practice. Faith that, He's got this. Donald Miller goes on to say one word: "Leave." It keeps resonanting in my head, like some crazy 90's song. Leave. Leave. Leave.
Bust a move!
Leave. Leave. So that's what I'm doing. It's crazy, and nerve racking, and exciting, and kinda makes me want to vomit a little. But I have faith.

So what should I do?
Bust a move.

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