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The one where and elephant and giraffe have to raise a baby.

Motorola RAZR, Circa 2008

Can you believe that these 2 babies have their very own baby? We met. We befriended one another. We fell in love. We made a commitment. And we had a baby. 

Here's a cliche: marriage isn't easy. 

We get it. God decides to put two people together that usually have very opposite tendencies, upbringings, and personalities. Sure, maybe you like similar things, but eventually you find that the romantic passion you had for each other becomes stagnant. 

And then you throw a baby in the mix?!

I'm not saying anything ground breaking here. Anyone who has ever seen any American sitcom is FULLY aware of how a baby messes with a marriage. 

Elias and I have been attending a marriage Bible study at our church. It has rocked us in so many ways. Currently we are going through the study You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan. HIGHLY RECOMMEND so far. 

We have been challenged through this study to see our marriage as a ministry. How often do we as married people go on and live our separate lives and then come together when were going to bed and just simply talk about our days. Why do we act as roommates with the person we are supposed to be DOING LIFE ALONG SIDE? And when a baby comes it's even worse. We act as COWORKERS trying to take care of a child. I'm beyond blessed to have Leo and even more blessed to have a husband that takes parenthood SERIOUSLY, but sometimes we just act as if we are 2 people taking care of a child, RATHER than 2 people joined together in one purpose.

So as a wife, I've been challenged. The Bible talks about "out doing one another in love." (Romans 12:10). Sometimes we-
and just know, whenever I say "we" I really mean a big, fat "ME ME ME ME."
-get so hung up on what our spouse does or more specifically ISN'T doing for us. Marriage is literally the most selfless thing you can venture into. Get this: marriage isn't about us.
Louder for the people in the back: MARRIAGE ISN'T ABOUT US. 
If I could put the clapping emojis in between these words, I totally would- imagine them in there. 

Like I said, I've been challenged. I'm not going to worry about my husband is or isn't doing for me. I'm going to stop the mindset of "he should be doing abc because I did xyz." Marriage is not a competition. 

Outdo your spouse in loving them. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm not great at it yet. I have 27 years of American sitcom marriages ingrained in my head to undo. But as far me and my marriage is concerned, I'm gonna do my best to stop taking and start giving in my marriage.

Love you Hernandez. Still into you, btw. 

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