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The one with feeding baby thoughts.

I sit here nursing the Bebe, trying to get him to sleep, I can’t help to reflect on all the things God has been teaching me recently. I think about things a lot while nursing. Because, yes it’s such an incredible bonding experience, but it’s also a quiet time of peace for this mama.

I can’t help but wonder, how am I doing? Not as a mama, but as Elisa. How am I doing as Elisa Hernandez? It’s a weird question but I’m often wondering about it.

Too often I’m just going through the motions.

Too often I’m left sinking in the shadows of what my mission is here on earth.

I want more than anything to persue my mission here on earth, which is clear to me as a Bible believing follower of Christ: make disciples.

What would happen if all those who claim the name of Jesus started acting upon the mission God has called them too? What would happen if we stopped just taking from God, and gave back to Him in our efforts? God doesn’t need us and yet He chooses us. What if we stopped putting God on our priority list and just made GOD our ONLY priority? The Bible says to seek Him first, what if we did that?!?

We should look totally different from the rest of the world- but we mostly just blend in. We live, love, and act like the rest of the world. People should see our lives and ask questions.

I’m not calling out all of us. I’m mostly calling out myself. But I’m praying if you’ve felt convicted, you change! Join me in being a RADICAL follower of Christ rather than just a casual follower.

Well, Leo is asleep.
Good night.

Don't mind my mane. 

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