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The one with the reboot.

Why blog now?

It’s funny- I had so many thoughts about so many things before I sat down at my computer. Stuff about being a mom, and a teacher, and a wife. But now that I’m here, trying to make them coherent and relatable, I’m coming up short.
Maybe there are too many coherent and relatable blogs out there. Maybe, there needs to be someone that says what NO ONE is thinking. Maybe, instead of people “telling it like it is” maybe we need people to just “tell it.” What happened to the freedom we had to just let go.

As children, we were encouraged to have freedom in our playtime, our work time, our creative time. Then as we get older, we put boundaries on those things so the are coherent and relatable. But I think we forget to stop the the boundaries before we lose our freedom.

Is anyone following me?
Am I even following me?

I’m honestly not trying to sound existential or transcendent. This is just what happens when I sit down and begin to write. I think it was in theater class, where our teacher encouraged us to just write. Don’t stop writing until he told us to stop. Even if we just wrote “I’m not sure what else to write,” or the like, we were encouraged to continue on. There was no wrong answer.

A part of me believes that the teacher just wanted 10 minutes where he could sit and take attendance and answer some emails before class started, and frankly, as a teacher, I totally get it.

But that freedom has allowed me to restart this blog journey. There’s no wrong answer here. In knowing there’s no wrong answer, there’s freedom to be just let things happen.
Now hear me correctly- I will definitely be proofreading, and using a thesaurus and making sure I can be understood.

I’m pretty sure I would lose my English teacher card if I didn’t proofread- if that’s even a thing.

But what matters the most is the idea that this is freedom.
So here are some thoughts going on in my skull that I want to write with no wrong answer: I love being a mom. I love being a teacher. I love my husband and being his wife. I love being a follower of Christ. I love my youth kids. I love my students. I love my family. I love my friends.
I love so many things and people and ideas.
Yeah, I sound like a child in saying I love so many things. Yeah, it seems silly to create a “love list.” But sometimes you need to remind yourself about what you love, especially when you have a hard time manipulating all aspects of your love list at the same time.
See, this motherhood thing is tough.
Teaching is tough.
Marriage is often tough.
And doing it all, and to the best you can is tough.
I don’t know how to balance all that. And honestly, it seems SO CLICHE to have a blog about the balance of family life.

So let’s do more than that. Let’s celebrate this dumb thing we call work/home balance. Let’s celebrate we don’t have it all the together and we probably never will.

This “mom blog” will not be me telling you “5 fool proof way to get your baby to sleep on their own.” I won’t be titling any of my blogs “Here’s the way to make a month worth of homemade, organic baby food for under $20!” I will not be writing about “The best way to pump, while teaching full time.” There won’t be a post called “18 spicy and cheap dates to improve your marriage!” I don’t have those answers. I may explain what I do in certain situations, but no one has the answers. No mom blog is correct. NONE. Sorry, yall.

So join me in celebrating- celebrate what has been given so graciously to us.

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