I’ve been shook recently on this idea of eternity. I’ve been a follower of Christ for probably around 20 years. I’m familiar with the biblical ideas and principals of eternity, but have I honestly lived like this here is my temporary home?

I haven’t.
How much energy, stress, and time do I spend on things that have no impact on eternity?
Oh you want examples?
How about all that stress about baby sleep? Where he’s gonna sleep? How long should he be sleeping? Should he fall asleep while nursing?
How about my house? We need a nicer kitchen. We need new and nicer barstools. Make sure the baby doesn’t mess with this thing or that thing because it can’t get ruined!
How about my wardrobe? My last spending spree was long before I had my baby- so I need an update.
Y’all. God never promised us nice things. He promised to provide for us.
What if, every time we start to worry about something we ask: what’s the impact this has on eternity?
If the answer is a big fat “none,” then maybe stop worrying about that thing.
Can you imagine the actual life change this would cause?
Can you imagine how much better our relationships would be?
And most importantly, can you imagine all the incredible ways God will move?!
This is my motivation. This is where I stand.
Join me in living in light of eternity.