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Showing posts from February, 2023

The one with a novel I'm writing??? I guess????

 I'm writing a novel.  I have no idea where it is going and where it came from, but I am writing it nonetheless. I am still working out the main events and outline for this thing.  Guys.  I have no idea what I am doing.  This is like an actual novel and I really don't think it's going to even be good. I don't think it's going to make me much of any money. But I'm writing it.  It's loosely based on my life, very loosely. It's still fiction, but it has similar vibes.  The idea randomly came to me one random night and then since that moment I've just been pouring out the ideas for this story.  Writing is a wild thing. It's so personal and weird. I keep reading through what I have, thinking about how others might perceive this. But is that the way to do it? Or do you just put your story out there and see what happens? Do you just write it and simply not care how others see it and review it? I'm not even sure I am physically able to do that. Can I...

The wise one.

  Whatever you were expecting this blog to be from this title, I can almost guarantee, this won't be that.  As you may well know, I have no structure to these blogs. I mostly just write about what God is teaching me at this moment of my life. Right now, I am going through Proverbs. I'm not sure I exactly chose to go through Proverbs-- the study I am doing is just shoving Proverbs at me.  So I'm not sure if I'm reading Proverbs, or Proverbs is reading me.  It's not that I DON'T like Proverbs. It's just sometimes I read one and-- ya know when you find a meme that really hits, and you share it and say "Lol. Same." That's what reading Proverbs feels like. For example, I read this little gem the other day: I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense. Proverbs 30:2 Lol. Same.   I have read through all of proverbs officially. Do I feel any wiser? I don't know. Maybe? It's hard, right? Because I want to think I know how to live my life...

The one with two births.

  I figure it's time to get weird again and talk about childbirth. I love a good birth story. I love hearing and reading everyone's birth story. I think it important for parents (moms and dads alike) to process childbirth. Because Lord knows it is such an intense moment for all of us, and each story of how we came into the world is unique, special, and important. I encourage everyone to share their story someday with someone- I'm happy to be the person that listens! I love this birth stuff.  I love this birth stuff so much that I am actually a trained doula and have been working toward becoming a birth educator. I use the term "working" loosely, as my full time English teacher gig, and ultimate full time mom gig eats up my entire time. However, I do continue to pray that God will open up opportunities to help out parents in this amazing thing we call childbirth. Childbirth is a big deal. Sometimes I think when we have kids that the childbirth part is something tha...