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The wise one.


Whatever you were expecting this blog to be from this title, I can almost guarantee, this won't be that. 

As you may well know, I have no structure to these blogs. I mostly just write about what God is teaching me at this moment of my life. Right now, I am going through Proverbs. I'm not sure I exactly chose to go through Proverbs-- the study I am doing is just shoving Proverbs at me. 

So I'm not sure if I'm reading Proverbs, or Proverbs is reading me. 

It's not that I DON'T like Proverbs. It's just sometimes I read one and-- ya know when you find a meme that really hits, and you share it and say "Lol. Same." That's what reading Proverbs feels like. For example, I read this little gem the other day:

I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense. Proverbs 30:2

Lol. Same.  

I have read through all of proverbs officially. Do I feel any wiser? I don't know. Maybe? It's hard, right? Because I want to think I know how to live my life to the fullest and greatest, but then I have this job that drains me mental energy-- so then, anything after my job feels like the hardest thing to do. It's like my brain runs a full marathon when I'm teaching, so it can't exactly do anything else after that. All it wants to do is scroll on Instagram and take in mindless entertainment. That's all the capacity it has. So any "wisdom" or time doing productive things with my kids, takes a side step usually. But every part of me WANTS to teach my kids how to be wise and use time wisely-- just like it says in Proverbs. 

I don't know if you know how much it talks about laziness in Proverbs-- but it's a lot. LIKE A LOT. The thing too about it, is that it's all ✨figurative language✨ because it's one of the few books of poetry in the Bible. I'm an English teacher, so I know how to read and interpret figurative meanings, but that almost makes the lesson that much harder. So it's not just a kick in the face, it's a kick in the face with a Gucci boot. 

So, I guess I just wonder, how can I tell if wisdom has affected my life? How can I teach my kids how to be wiser? How do I know if I am even getting wiser to teach my kids wisdom?

Well, here are 10 helpful ways that you can show wisdom to your family:


You should know by now, this is not that type of blog. Come on. 

I know nothing about this. I'm just here to ask the stupid questions and write about any stupid answers I might have. 

I wish it were easier. All of it. That is one thing I've learned through Proverbs too-- to be wary of things that are "easy" in the traditional sense. God never promised easy, but He promised to always be with us. Yikes, I hated how cliche that was. It is so true though. The easiest things aren't the best things. 

But I will say this: my favorite things in this life have come through hard work and have come out of a struggle. But I always forget that when I am in a struggle. I always forget the crazy blessings that come out of my struggles when I'm in the midst of it. 

I'm always like "Uggghhhhh this is soooo harrrrrdddddd. Whhhyyyyy is life so harddddd???" And then out of the other side of that I'm like "Oh. That's why. Haha."

I am just glad that I have grown in this area. And I'm also glad that I'm not "there" yet, if that makes sense. I've grown in wisdom, but I also know that I have still so much more to learn. I will pass on stuff I can, and be open to more growth for every day of my life. 

I feel like, as long as I'm here, I'll always be growing. I won't ever achieve "maximum" wisdom, if you will. So yeah, maybe I am "too stupid to be human," but I'm not AS stupid as I used to be. 

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